
A crack TV Tropes OC meme :: Blank

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* Warning: This meme contains TV tropes. The related content may be addicting to some individuals. Reader discretion is advised. *


- Pick 14-15 of your OCs. If you don’t have enough OCs use canon, borrow yer friends's chars, whatever.
- Got your characters? Good. Now assign their numbers according to what role you think fit (or not fit) them most.
- Link back to the blank.
- Have fun! :popcorn:


1. Insufferable Genius:
2. Pretty Boy:
3. Cloudcuckoolander:
4. The Stoic:
5. Jerkass:
6. The Ditz:
7. Nerd:
8. Goth:
9. Tomboy:
10. Creepy Twins: (Note: Can be played by one person if no twins are available. Just give him/her a clone.)
11. Tsundere:
12. Martial Pacifist:
13. The Everyman:

-And starring:

14. The Cameo:


1. In an abandoned hospital somewhere, [12] awakes from a coma with a case of amnesia. He/she soon finds out the hospital and the city are completely deserted!

2. Screaming echo can be heard as the distance, as the title of your movie is revealed to be...

3. Fade in a nice, small town covered by green hills - day. [4], his/her partner [6] and their children [8] and [13] just moved to their new mansion, which was sold for cheaper than it should be for some reason. Sure the strange paintings in the hall covered by unrealistic cobweb isn't a sign or anything... Did that door just closed on its own?

4. Naturally, [8] and [13] have to go to a new high school. While touring the school, they walk by a fight between [5], [7] and [9] (but mostly between [5] and [9]). Somehow [13] ends up get punched in the face and the group has to go to the principal's office.

5. [8] and [13] make friends with [7] and [9]. After school, [7] shows [8] and [13] around the town. Suddenly the ground begins to shake. A car veers off the road and almost hit a pedestrian, [11], before [13] pushes him/her out of the way. Luckily, no one get hurt.

6. Meanwhile, [9] gets to her home. Her stepmother (or uncle), [14], announces that [9] has been "sold" to [5]'s family as his/her fiancé. To celebrate the engagement, the young couple will spend three days as first-class passengers on a cruise ship. [14] emphasizes that [9]'s marriage will resolve their financial problems. (Turned out that [5] is not just a jerk, but also really rich. Oh and [9] is an orphan, just letting you know).

7. Cut to the deserted city from the opening scene. While wandering around, clueless [12] is spotted and pursued by hordes of z... uh, angry shoppers, yeah. [12] is in great danger. Suddenly a mysterious person whose face is covered shows up and helps [12] escapes.

8. Back to [13]. He/she encounters [11] again at a bookstore and they have a conversation. [11] complains about his/her strict father (or mother).

9. Cut to the ship - night. [9] is distraught over the engagement and considers jumping out of the ship and swimming back to the shore when [2] happens to pass by. [2] mistakenly thinks that [9] is trying to commit suicide and attempts to talk her out of it.

10. Back to the mansion - early morning. [8] awakes from a nightmare. Having a bad felling about his/her new house, he/she does some investigation at the local library with [7]. They find out that the mansion was built on top of an Indian burial ground and the previous owner of the mansion went mad and killed his family before committing suicide.

11. Meanwhile, on a small road though the forest on one of the hills, [13] is bicycling to enjoy the nature. Out of nowhere, he/she is bumped into by [1]. Turns out that [1] is being chased by some scary dudes with guns on motorcycles. Somehow they manage to escape the gang on [13]'s bicycle. After they get out of the forest, [1] insists [13] to let him her temporary hide in [13]'s place without telling anyone.

12. Cut the the ship. [9] and [2] are hanging out on the deck. [9] jokes that she just want to ship to blow up or something. Without warning, various explosions occur on the ship!

13. Back to the town. [4] and [6] is looking for a housekeeper to help them with maintaining their very large mansion. Whatever skill level is fine, they just want someone who isn't afraid of ghost and stuff. Ghost and stuff are just rumors anyway. Yep, rumours. Totally rumors. Oh look, [3] applies the job! Hurray?

14. Cut to a gritty underground base, mysterious person from scene 7 is revealed to be a tired-looking [1]. [1] informs [12] that the Internet had become self-aware and took over the world, enslaved human race with cat pictures/videos and turned them into mindless slaves. [1] is one the last human resistance fighters, and he/she needs [12]'s help.

15. While explore his/her family's mansion, [8] sees a vision of [10] invite him/her to come play with them (forever and ever and ever).

16. Meanwhile, [3], [4] and [6] are checking out the area around the mansion when they discover a barn containing thousands of egg-like thingies. One of which releases a slimy, multi-legged, long tailed creature that leaps and attaches to [6]'s face, renders him/her unconscious. [4] tries to remove the creature while [3] is looking for something to burn the eggs.

17. To show his/her appreciation for hiding him/her (and to show off), [1] drags [13] to an uninhabited location where [1] uncloak his/her invention: A time machine made from scrap metals and some other stuff. While [1] explaining how the device work, scary dudes with guns on motorcycles led by [5] arrive and surround the pair. [5] says that he/she was informed that [1] stole "something" from his/her "organization", in which [1] replies that he/she needs it for his/her time machine.

18. Thinking [1] is screwed, [13] attempt to escape but somehow accidentally activates the time machine and is transported to 1926 Egypt naked (apparently this time machine can't transport non-organic material). To make matter worse, [13] can see a black blanket of small moving things approaching him/her from the distance. A-are those flesh-eating scarabs?!

19. Back to the future present, [12] arrives just in time to kick [5] and his gang's arses. [12] discloses that he/she was sent to the past by future [1] to help past [1] prevents the evil Internet from taking over the world. But first they have to retrieve [13]. [1] states that [13] used up too much power from the machine so they need to wait for it to recharge.

20. It's dinner time and [3], [4], [6] and [8] are eating spaghetti made by [3]. [6] wonders why [13] is late and [8] makes up some excuse. Suddenly [6] feels nauseous, then he/she starting to choke and convulse. Uh oh.

21. Cut the the ocean. [9] and [2] managed to get on a lifeboat with some other passengers and are waiting for the rescuers to come. They can hear distant thunder. Minutes later, the rain starts.

22. Back to the mansion, another earthquake occurred and the power fails, sending everything into darkness. When the lights turns back on [6] is immediately attacked by a scary, strange creature. The others fight off the creature with random stuff in the dinning room.

23. Chasing after the strange creature, [3], [4], [6] and [8] discover a secret chamber and inside they find an UNO (Unidentified Non-flying Object). The creepy twins [8] saw a few scenes ago revealed to be the projection of a pair of ancient alien whose bodies stuck in cryogenic sleep inside the ship. Oh and the eggs in the barn are from a single member of an alien pest species that escaped their ship recently due to a malfunction caused by the earthquake from scene 5. They are interrupted by the strange creature-the very alien pest they were talking about.

24. [3] kills the strange creature. He/she reveals that he/she is actually a FBI detective and explains that the previous owners of the mansion were a couple of scientists who found the spaceship and hid it here. They staged a murder-suicide to cover it then went missing.

25. Meanwhile, the time machine has finished charging and naked [13] is transported back to the present. Suddenly [13]'s cellphone (that was left on the Time Machine along with his/her clothing) rang its hilarious ring stone. It turns out to be [8] calling to ask if [13] happen to know anyone who can fix spaceship.

26. [13], [12] and [1] head to the mansion just at the right time to meet [7] at the door. When [8] opens the door [7] confesses that he/she is in love with him/her, all along.

27. While [1] repairing the spaceship, everyone finds out from [10] that [9] is actually a princess of an ancient alien race who was found and adopted by her human parents (before they died). Wow! They don't know where she is right now though.

28. [9], [2] and the passengers are battling a heavy storm. Fortunately, they make it to an island intact. Unfortunately, this island is full of dinosaurs.

29. [11] shows up at the mansion and reveals he/she is in love with [13], all along. Oh and [5] is his/her former boy/girlfriend and he/she is working for [2], the true mastermind. Upon hearing [2]'s name, [12] suddenly regains his/her lost memory and remembers that he witnessed (will witness?) [2] upload his/her consciousness to the Internet and take over the world in the near future ([12] was knocked out afterward by an explosion and was transported to a hospital before society collapsed). Now it is up to [1] to figure out the location of [2]'s secret headquarter... with the power of math! [10] is happy to provide their spaceship.

30. It's the climax and [1], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8], [10], [11], [12] and [13] facing [2] and his/her army of dinosaurs on his/her private island. [5] has a second thought and releases [2]'s prisoners: [9] and the other passengers. Before [9] regroup with the others, [5] admits that he/she is in love with [9], all along. Anyway, [10] informs [9] about her alien origin and her hidden power. With this, can [2] be defeated?

31. The show is over! Tag someone or put an end credit song or some funny comments from the cast or a sequel hook (or all!) below:
*Update: Now come with links to the trope pages for convenient reading!

The newest installment of my (in)famous crack meme series. This one is a bit different from the others and also longer. 

Btw, no need to comment your filled meme to me anymore. Just mention my name  with : devmeoagcat : or : iconmeoagcat : (without spaces) and I will receive a notification through the mention system! :D
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TheHaremPrince's avatar
I technically do have 15 OCs ,but I think some of them are spoilers